Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hanging Travel Toiletry Kit

When you're traveling on business or on a short trip where you'll be in a nice hotel, you can pack pretty much any kind of toiletry kit as long as it will hold your stuff.

When you're backpacking around and staying in cheap hotels, however, the best bet is one of these handy Eagle Creek toiletry kits that hangs open, letting you get to anything without setting it down anywhere. When you are staying at a bamboo bungalow that costs $5 a night, forget about finding a long wide counter or vanity where you can spread out your grooming aids. You'll be lucky to find a place to put your toothbrush. With these babies you can hang it anywhere, then pull out your things from a wide variety of compartments. There are separate places to fit different items and a mesh area that breathes. Easy to pack up at times when you always seem to be in a state of packing or unpacking.

I had one of these with me on three trips around the globe, each lasting at least a year, and only had to replace it once. Definitely worth the $32 it will cost you at Just search for "Eagle Creek Wallaby."

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